Comedy (Genre)

Comedy is a type of genre that is humorous and amuses the audience.
Here are few characteristics of comedy:

.Cheerful/Clumsy characters
.Setting usually in cities

Most comedy films are based in cities and usually about someones life. The main character is usually a male character (e.g. Chris Tucker & Will Smith). The woman is likely to be in love and the minor character.

we have been focusing on the comedy genre and we have found five typical aspects from comedy genre and they are shown below........
1. comedy films are generally made to amuse the audience.
2. Certain characters are used for particular parts of the film.
3. It is to provoke enjoyment.
4. Comedy genre humourously exaggarates the sitution such as language, action and characters.
5. They always have a happy ending although some of the humour may even have a serious side towards it.

A typical situation in a comedy is when the main which is usually a man falls in love with a woman he cannot get but in the end he eventually gets her.

Location-a typical location of a comedy film is in a city, as there are a number of people this enables character interaction. You would not expect a comedy to take place in a rural environment because these are the sort of frames you would expect to find in a horror/thriller film.


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